Planting and harvesting asparagus

Asparagus, a perennial, is a member of the family Asparagaceae and is one of the most popular perennial vegetables we plant in our client's gardens. If a garden has space, we always suggest planting a few asparagus crowns.


Now that you know how asparagus grows, you can see why it is important to plant the crowns in loose, well draining soil. Crowns should be planted 8 in. This will not only provide the plant with nutrients in the spring but will help protect the roots from the cold.

Asparagus can be planted from seed, but we highly recommend that you plant your asparagus from roots or crowns because planting from crowns shortens the time between planting and harvest. Crowns can be purchases at most nurseries or online.

When planning where to plant you asparagus, it is important to remember that the spears that are left on the plant will grow up to 6 feet tall and will send out fronds. If they are too close or planted to the south, these tall spears could block out the sunlight to shorter plants.

Many asparagus varieties you will see are all-male hybrids because it is believed that male plants produce more spears for a longer period of time, even if their spears tend to be slightly smaller. Like all plants asparagus uses lots of energy to produce seed.

Plant crowns 8 in. deep and 18 in. apart.

Once the crowns have been planted, the asparagus roots will spread both vertically and horizontally underground. Photosynthesis is what enables the roots to grow so it is important to leave some spears on the plant each year to absorb the sunlight, especially the first few years after planting.

Varieties we recommend:

Jersey Knight: All male hybrid, high yielding and tolerant of heavier soils.
Sweet Purple: Produces large, tender spears that are burgundy in color.

If you plant asparagus from crowns, the first spears will be ready to harvest the second year the plants are in your garden. Even after your plants have become established, be sure to continue to leave some of the spears to on the plant. By the second year of harvest, or 3rd year the plant is in the ground, you can extend the harvest period but continue to leave some spears on the plant.

If you plant asparagus from crowns, the first spears will be ready to harvest the second year the plants are in your garden. Even after your plants have become established, be sure to continue to leave some of the spears to on the plant. By the second year of harvest, or 3rd year the plant is in the ground, you can extend the harvest period but continue to leave some spears on the plant.

Many asparagus varieties you will see are all-male hybrids because it is believed that male plants produce more spears for a longer period of time, even if their spears tend to be slightly smaller. Photosynthesis is what enables the roots to grow so it is important to leave some spears on the plant each year to absorb the sunlight, especially the first few years after planting.

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